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#3602 din 3602 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2008
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    Fii primul care lasa o parere. Ne va ajuta sa promovam pe Bizoo doar firme cu produse si servicii de calitate.
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Probis Probis 0724511133 Bdul Iuliu Maniu nr 6, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

produse soft

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mai putin de 5

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Suntem prezenti pe din 2008!
The present day property business is thriving on information and timely execution of lead management and marketing. There is a lot of information that needs to be channelised and used at the right moment and for the right client. Property businesses are experiencing competitive pressures to increase efficiencies and maintain a solid growth.

Forward thinking firms are looking to strategic technologies to help them gain maximum utilisation of their people and market information. Probis ( Professional Business Information System Ltd ) is a company focusing on high end solutions for the property and Property markets.
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